The following description comes from
Quests of the Scottish Rite
When a man joins the Scottish Rite, when he approaches the degrees for the first time, or returns to enjoy a reunion with other men, he is participating in a most ancient tradition. He is actively engaged in the eternal quest for a higher awareness; he is reaching across the generations to join his brothers, both living and dead, in the timeless pursuit of that which is noble in man.
That pursuit begins in the Blue Lodge. There, he learns that all degrees in Freemasonry represent a journey. He is taught in the Entered Apprentice degree that the lodge is a representation of the world, and that our journey through it is a representation of our own life’s journey. He learns the importance of his outward relationships with others, and with the institutions of his society. In the Fellowcraft, or second degree, he is taught that it takes a combination of intellect, experience, intuition, feeling, emotion, and education to make real progress in life. He discovers his dual nature; there is a spirit within him which can lead him to self-improvement. In the third degree of Masonry, called the Master Mason, he turns inward, and comes face to face with his own worse enemy–his ego; and then he is given the opportunity to transcend his passions and prejudices, and become true to who he is.
It is when he has thus prepared himself that he is ready to advance to the higher awareness which can be discovered in his journey through the Scottish Rite. The progressive degrees of the Rite are designed to carry the man to a new level of insight. Each degree contains a lesson, a time context, a grouping, and a historical association. Each degree explores a specific set of ideas, has an overall theme, and comprises a guidepost, or marker, which gives him personal insight about his own journey, or quest, in life.
The Scottish Rite takes the form of four quests; with each of the four Bodies of the Rite concerning itself primarily with one of these quests. The quests never end. They continue throughout our lives. Taken together, they are profoundly important to who we are capable of becoming.
In the Scottish Rite, we learn that we do, in fact, create our own future by our actions, and every action we take–or fail to take–has consequences which echo unto the end of time. What we build matters. There is no such thing as an unimportant action. We build ourselves. The Scottish Rite gives us the tools to have whatever life we want. We need only to select well, examine carefully, decide fairly, live spiritually, and love mightily.